Silver Sepp is a creative multitalented singer, musician and poet descended from a long line of singers and storytellers going back 300 years in an Estonian fishing village called Treimani. He makes use of old traditions as easily as wearing a shirt, combining them with his special gift for singing in a way only he can. He is a self-made man with self-made instruments such as a nail harp and his grandfather’s bicycle wheel, which, in his hands sound utterly captivating along with his clarinet and voice, taking us to Estonia’s misty meadows and wild seaside, filling the hearts of the audience with sudden joy and the feeling of belonging together. During the concerts he is also making the audience sing along and even dance leading them into the grounded rhythms of ancient Estonian flatfoot-walze. He offers solo-concerts, workshops of making self made instrument and Estonian dance and songs as well as magical music-poetry concerts together with his wife a famous Estonian poetess Kristiina Ehin.


all instruments are 100% recycle

NAIL-HARPH /made out of my grand-grandfathers fishnet making stand:

SKIS /old skis from hunters or newer skis from 80s or even from past years

BICYCLE WHEEL /that I found on my country shed that my grandfather owned

MY TRAVELINGSTAGE UNDER A SAIL / an idea of slow touring with our farms old n small pickup car that can travel 1500km distances from Estonia to make concerts with my music and visuals in nature or to be part of city free minded environment. Time to time the sail-stage turns to a swing that has always been a part of Estonias festivities. Sail-car gear is made from 100% of recycled materials exept bataries that it runs the concert – no electricity needed. See the video


Songs and dances of Estonia

workshops of making self made instrument together. In the workshop we start from a wild piece of wood and from iron nails. Everyone can find some nails and hit them in a single pievce of wood that we will play together with bows or with picking the nails or with mallets. Adding some good sounding bicycle wheel drums and bassy skis or other kind of wooden opjects. Together we will build unike instrument and on that we will make outstanding live composition that surprises with its colorful soundscapes its creators aswell the audiance if there happens to be one.